Williams Amateur Radio Club merges with Bill Williams Mountain Radio Club

WILLIAMS – At the last meeting of the Williams Amateur Radio Club, Harry KQ7G, Rose K7NAZ, Jud N6GYF and Bryan Whipp W7BNW attended the meeting and discussed the merger. They explained that the clubs are merged. They elected Kevin Kelly KK7NAZ as Vice-President.

Here are the minutes of the meeting.

Date Friday, February 15, 2019
Ron Gerlak KG70H
Kevin Kelly KK7NAZ
Ken Williams KI6VDT
George Murray KK6RLV
Bryan Whipp W7BNW
Harry Ober KQ7G
Rose Ober K7NAZ
Glen Davis KG7YDJ

  1. Merger with BWMRC
    We are officially BWMRC.
    Kevin Kelly KK7NAZ elected Vice-President
    Glen Davis KG7YDJ appointed Emergency Coordinator/Liaison between the BWMRC and Coconino ARES/Emergency Operation Center.
    Meetings will now be held the first Friday of every month at 6 p.m. at the Wild West Junction Breakfast room.
    Social net will be held every Friday at 7 p.m. on the 146.780 repeater (91.5 CTCSS – offset). The net on the Friday after the meeting will be time for members to catch up on what happened at the meeting in case they could not attend. They can make inputs on items also on that net.
  2. Glen KG7YDJ discussed attending the Williams Non-Profit Huddle on January 21.
  3. Glen discussed the CARC Winter Field day and lessons learned. He is developing a package for the next Winter Field Day if anyone is interested in participating.

New Business

  1. We discussed the upcoming Young Life Auction and Dinner. Harry NQ7G noted that we should not give radios as we did last year. Kevin suggested and it was decided that we would donate a package with a Technician License Manual and if the person studies and passes the exam, they would be given a radio and a year membership in the Bill Williams Mountain Radio Club.
  2. Glen discussed the upcoming American Legion Woman’s Auxiliary Freedom Celebration on August 13th. Last year Glen, Kevin and Bill KQ1S from CARC attended and prepared demonstrations for radio and satellite communications. Kevin noted that the Williams Fire Department did not attend. They usually attract attention, especially yournger people.
  3. ARRL Summer Field Day
    Glen sent a package containing information about the upcoming ARRL Field Day. The package explains what the Field Day is about and possible locations. The club discussed the locations and possible pitfalls. Harry pointed out that we could do a mini-field day of less than the 24-hours. That would give us a chance to try it, let everyone see what it is about. The package is for an extensive Field Day, but it can be trimmed and we can build on it next year. Or even wait until next year to do it. We do have time to plan for this year if there is enough interest. Most of our members visited the CARC Field Day last year and have an idea of what it is about already.