This year has been a good year for Amateur Radio in Flagstaff and Williams. The exam October 19 is indicitive of that
Congratulations to Morgan KI7WTS who upgraded to Amatuer Extra and Mike who upgraded to Amateur Extra from… Well. Nothing. He passed all three exams. His dad, Don, got a General license. Congratulations to Jeremiah KF7NIQ who upgraded to General. Carl passed the Technician and General exams. Nathan and Willis, from Williams, got a Technician license.
The final talley is two new Amateur Extras, two new Generals and two new Technicians.
Thanks to Ken KF7DUR, Ron KG7OH and Glen KG7YDJ for proctoring this exam and Joe W7LUX and Janice KI7WCK for setting up the exams. Also thanks to all of the other VEs who helped this year. We, of course, thank Melissa Fisher and North Country Health Care for allowing us to use their facility.
Thanks to the instructors who helped in Flagstaff and Williams. Phil AE7HO, Ron KG7OH, Kevin KK7NAZ, Jack NT7MM, Jackie KI7YQO, and Peter. I hope I remembered everyone.
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