While only one person came to take the amateur radio exam, Craig Gerasim represents the beginning of another cycle of exams. The exam was held on January 18 and Craig received a technician license.
The rest of the exams scheduled for the year are April 18, July 18 and October 17. There will probably be an exam at the Overland Expo in May. This also does not count exams that may crop up from classes in Williams.
If someone was a little quicker on the keyboard at ARRL, we would have had two lux in Coconino County. Craig, however, drew the call sign of KI7LUY.
It was also beneficial in that the newest volunteer examiner—Mike, AG7XQ—a chance to learn the exam system. Mike earned his Extra license in one sitting at the last 2019 session.
Joe, W7LUX, thanked Erv KE7QFI, Mike AG7XQ , Scott KY7A and Glen, KG7YDJ for making the exam possible.
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