While only one person came to take the amateur radio exam, Craig Gerasim represents the beginning of another cycle of exams. The exam was held on January 18 and Craig received a technician license.
The rest of the exams scheduled for the year are April 18, July 18 and October 17. There will probably be an exam at the Overland Expo in May. This also does not count exams that may crop up from classes in Williams.
If someone was a little quicker on the keyboard at ARRL, we would have had two lux in Coconino County. Craig, however, drew the call sign of KI7LUY.
It was also beneficial in that the newest volunteer examiner—Mike, AG7XQ—a chance to learn the exam system. Mike earned his Extra license in one sitting at the last 2019 session.
Joe, W7LUX, thanked Erv KE7QFI, Mike AG7XQ , Scott KY7A and Glen, KG7YDJ for making the exam possible.
The University of Washington’s HuskySat-1 3U CubeSat, launched November 2, 2019, is set to deploy on January 31 after the vehicle that carried it to the International Space Station undocks.
HuskySat-1 has remained stowed aboard a Northrop Grumman Cygnus supply vehicle. Within 24 hours after Cygnus’ departure from the ISS, HuskySat-1 and SwampSat 2 will be deployed into orbit. After deployment, HuskySat-1’s 1200 bps BPSK beacon on 435.800 MHz should be active and decodable with the latest release of AMSAT’s FoxTelem software. HuskySat-1 is expected to carry out its primary mission before being turned over to AMSAT for amateur radio operation.
HuskySat-1 features a 30 kHz wide V/U linear transponder for SSB and CW. The uplink passband will be 145.910 – 145.940 MHz LSB/CW. The downlink passband will be 435.840 – 435.810 MHz USB/CW (inverting). Telemetry will be transmitted on 435.800 MHz, 1k2 bps BPSK with an experimental downlink at 24.049 GHz.
The “Fox-in-a-Box” FoxTelem software has been updated for HuskySat-1 operation and is available at its download website at, http://burnsfisher.com/AMSAT/FoxInABox/ .
The new release now contains the SD card image, FIAB-distro8-V1.08w.zip. This file, when unzipped and written to a 16 GB SD card will provide the latest software for FoxTelem and will run on a Raspberry Pi 4. The 1.08 versions can switch bands between listening on VHF and UHF, based on which Fox and Husky satellites are overhead at the time.
The linear transponder and telemetry system carried aboard AMSAT’s Fox-1E was designed for use in different CubeSats merely by adding an interface adapter for connection to the host bus. Noting the prevalence of CubeSats built and launched by universities and other organizations, AMSAT adopted a goal of “amateur radio in every CubeSat.” Interested CubeSat programs wanting to fly an amateur radio payload may partner with AMSAT to carry one of these modules on their spacecraft.
By providing amateur radio capability, the CubeSat program gets a worldwide ground station network to receive telemetry and experiment data, while the amateur radio community gets a transponder to use in orbit. Additional information is posted on the University of Washington Husky Satellite Lab site.
This year has been a good year for Amateur Radio in Flagstaff and Williams. The exam October 19 is indicitive of that
Congratulations to Morgan KI7WTS who upgraded to Amatuer Extra and Mike who upgraded to Amateur Extra from… Well. Nothing. He passed all three exams. His dad, Don, got a General license. Congratulations to Jeremiah KF7NIQ who upgraded to General. Carl passed the Technician and General exams. Nathan and Willis, from Williams, got a Technician license.
The final talley is two new Amateur Extras, two new Generals and two new Technicians.
Thanks to Ken KF7DUR, Ron KG7OH and Glen KG7YDJ for proctoring this exam and Joe W7LUX and Janice KI7WCK for setting up the exams. Also thanks to all of the other VEs who helped this year. We, of course, thank Melissa Fisher and North Country Health Care for allowing us to use their facility.
Thanks to the instructors who helped in Flagstaff and Williams. Phil AE7HO, Ron KG7OH, Kevin KK7NAZ, Jack NT7MM, Jackie KI7YQO, and Peter. I hope I remembered everyone.
On my way to Circle K in Williams, this evening (this evening being Saturday, September 7), I stopped off at Bellemont to check out Route 66 On-The-Air. My goal was to get more experience in HF. I had a lot of fun and made 61 confirmed kills, uhhh, contacts. It also just happens to be one of Prince’s favorite spots along Route 66. Prince and I wandered around a bit while Andrew WA7DPS made his contacts.
The NADXA trailer used for the event.Andrew WA7DPS and ron KG7OH making contacts.
Prince was anxious to get on the air.
When my turn came up I had keep in mind 3-kHz for sideband and 6-kHz for straight AM. Of course we were working sideband. So I stepped up to the mic and began calling out. Surprisingly they kept rolling in creating what is commonly called a “pile up.”
It was a little difficult, at first. I soon realized that I when I caught a partial call sign, I called for that and was able to make contact. Another method used by W6G (we were W6T) was to call for call signs by numbers. In other words, he called for call signs with 0 first, then 9’s and worked his way down. Ron KG7OH explained that is a technique used the help clear the pile ups.
I also learned that people on HF use a different set of phonetics from those in the ARRL books. The phonetics used actually seem to work better for HF.
Prince pouted on the couch when he realized I was going to be a mic-hog. (Should that be mic-ham?)
The contacts rolled after I figured that out. I even made contact with one QRP station and one working on solar power—although by that time he was working off of the batteries. In the end I made 63 contacts. I’m still waiting to see if my final count beat Andrew’s.
I learned a little more about working the many knobs and dials on the HF rig and how to check the SWR with the internal meter.
And I learned HF can be fun. I got to talk with people in places I have been such as Napa Valley, Oklahoma City and Fort Smith, Arkansas.
So if you have not thought about upgrading to a General, you should think about it.
Ron KG7OH and Andrew WA7DPS through the window.Route 66 On The Air after dark.
CARC Trailer set up for emergency use at the Emergency Operation Center in Flagstaff.
Members of the Coconino County Amateur Radio Club
(CARC) in Arizona activated on July 21 as winds accelerated the Museum
Fire beyond 50 acres, triggering the activation of the county’s EOC.
Members of the club, many of them ARES volunteers, staffed the EOC.
club has a great working relationship with Coconino County,” said
CARC’s Public Information Officer Dan Shearer, N7YIQ. “CARC’s ARES
component has a dedicated position in the EOC structure and has assisted
on many incidents over the last few years, providing communications to
field personnel when cell and radio coverage is limited or nonexistent.”
Shearer said Amateur Radio equipment and antennas are stored at the
EOC, and CARC members have been trained to set it up and have everything
operational within an hour of activation.
fire grew larger than 500 acres and became a top fire-fighting priority.
A Type 1 Incident Management Team took over the fire-fighting effort
late on July 22, and more than 12 Hotshot crews (teams highly trained in
all aspects of fire management), fire engines, water tenders, and
aircraft were engaged in suppressing the blaze. Residents in some
neighborhoods were ordered to evacuate, although no homes and structures
were lost.
There were fears that the fire might
overrun communications sites on Mount Elden, which include public
service, private, and Amateur Radio repeaters. “The loss of one or both
of these complexes would have been catastrophic,” Shearer said. CARC
members were prepared for the risk and quickly assembled spare
equipment, including extra radios and repeaters. Air tankers dropped
many loads of fire retardant around the repeater sites, and the
exceptional work of the fire crews prevented the fire from running up
the slopes to the complexes, Shearer said.
Coconino Amateur Radio Club is an ARRL Affiliated Club with about 50
members. Its large ARES component regularly trains and conducts SKYWARN
and ARES nets weekly.
“CARC personnel provided
well over 250 hours in support of the Museum Fire disaster response and
in direct support of the joint EOC,” Shearer said, adding that the EOC
professional team and Arizona Governor Doug Ducey expressed their
appreciation to CARC operators when the governor visited the fire
The ARRL Board of Directors, committees and administrative staff have focused on enhancing the venerable ARES program. A major ARES Plan was adopted, providing new direction going forward. A standardized training plan was adopted and a new ARES Emergency Communicator Individual Task Book was approved and published.
Last month, the Board considered the report of its Public Service Enhancement Working Group
(PSEWG). A “change log” is proposed for the Task Book that will
highlight changes made as the book is periodically revised and updated.
ARES position guidelines were posted to the on-line ARES workbook and
major revising and updating of ARRL’s Introduction to Emergency Communications
course (now designated as IS-001) has been completed. [The course is
now available at no cost to any ARES registrant, and a “tutorless”
format has been added as a parallel path for completing the course.
Additional tutors were successfully recruited to help handle the huge
initial interest as the changes were extremely well-received by the
field organization. A “challenge” path directly to the final exam is
also being implemented.] Similar updating and introduction of IS-016 – Public Service and Emergency Communications Management for Radio Amateurs — will follow in the next few months.
The ARRL HQ staff has brought veteran Ohio Section Manager Scott Yonally, N8SY, on board to assist in the implementation of ARES Connect and to field questions about the new software package from users.
League’s Ham Aid program was reviewed, with some modest revisions to
procedures. Most recently, the PSEWG has begun its examination of the
future role of the League’s National Traffic System in concert with
ARES. A brief survey of selected SMs, STMs and SECs is to provide a
beginning point for a more extensive analysis of the program. This
review and evaluation is expected to be a major part of the PSEWG’s
efforts in the upcoming months.
A Board Ad Hoc EmComm Manager Requirements Report
specifies the job requirements of a new position at ARRL HQ — Director
of Emergency Management — who will lead a team responsible for
supporting the ARES program and will work with HQ staff to develop
standards, protocols, and processes designed to support the Field
Next month is National Preparedness Month with the theme Prepared, Not Scared. Be Ready for Disasters.National
Preparedness Month (NPM) is recognized each September to promote family
and community disaster and emergency planning now and throughout the
year. This year’s campaign will feature PSAs and multimedia products
around four weekly themes:
· Week 1: Sept 1-7 Save Early for Disaster Costs
· Week 2: Sept 8-14 Make a Plan to Prepare for Disasters
· Week 3: Sept 15-21 Teach Youth to Prepare for Disasters
· Week 4: Sept 22-30 Get Involved in Your Community’s Preparedness
Content has been loaded on the Ready.gov National Preparedness Month Toolkit
webpage. This year, FEMA wants participants, which include ARES
operators, to share their activities and success stories. The longtime
ARRL partner wants brief descriptions of what you are planning for
National Preparedness Month. Send them to FEMA-IGA@fema.dhs.gov
with the word NPM in the subject line. An appropriate, brief submission
would be your planned or conducted ARRL Simulated Emergency Test (SET)
activity. Many groups will be holding their SET during September and
through the fall. The primary League-sponsored national emergency
exercise is designed to assess the skills and preparedness of ARES and
other organizations involved with emergency/disaster response. Here’s an
opportunity to let FEMA know about it.
In June 2003, ARRL became an official affiliate program of Citizen Corps,
an initiative within the Department of Homeland Security to enhance
public preparedness and safety. The Statement of Affiliation makes ARRL
an affiliate under the four charter Citizen Corps programs–Neighborhood
Watch, Volunteers in Police Service, Community Emergency Response Teams
and Medical Reserve Corps.
ARRL and the FCC have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that paves the way to implement the new and enhanced Volunteer Monitor program. The memorandum establishes the Volunteer Monitors as a replacement for the Official Observers (OO) program. Current OOs have been encouraged to participate in the new program.
are excited by the opportunity to codify our partnership with the FCC and to
work together to achieve our mutual interests of protecting the integrity
of our Amateur Radio bands,” said ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR. “This
Memorandum of Understanding will serve as the foundation for a new
level of partnership on this very important issue.”
Rick Hollingsworth – K4ZDH
has contracted with retired FCC special counsel and former Atlantic
Division Vice Director Riley Hollingsworth, K4ZDH, to oversee the ARRL’s role in
the development and implementation of the Volunteer Monitor program.
Approved by the ARRL Board of Directors at its July 2018
meeting, the new Volunteer Monitor program is a formal agreement between the
FCC and ARRL in which volunteers trained and vetted by the ARRL will monitor
the airwaves and collect evidence that can be used both to correct
misconduct or recognize exemplary on-air operation. Cases of flagrant violations
will be referred to the FCC by the ARRL for action in accordance with FCC
The intent of this program is to re-energize
enforcement efforts in the Amateur Radio bands. It was proposed by the FCC
in the wake of several FCC regional office closures and a reduction in field
“Under this program, the FCC will give
enforcement priority to cases developed by the Volunteer Monitor program, without
the delay of ARRL having to refer cases through the FCC online complaint
process,” Hollingsworth said.
Hollingsworth has committed
to FCC and ARRL officials to ensure the adequacy of training for the new
positions, to review the quality and utility of Volunteer Monitor submissions
to the FCC for enforcement actions, and to advocate for rapid disposition
of cases appropriately submitted to the FCC.
officials estimate that the first Volunteer Monitors will be in place and ready
to begin their duties within 6 to 9 months. Read more.
By Lor Kutchins, W3QA, Winlink Development Team, President, Amateur Radio Safety Foundation, Inc
April 5, 2019–The FCC has opened for comment RM-11831, a proposal for rule making that would do two things the the US amateur radio rules:
1) remove paragraph (c) of 97.221. This would disallow narrow-bandwidth ARQ modes of 500 Hz or less from outside the specified 97.221 sub bands for automatically controlled digital stations. This will require all US Winlink HF gateway stations, regardless of mode/technique, to only operate within these narrow sub bands.
2) modify the wording of 97.309(4) thusly:
(4) An amateur station transmitting a RTTY or data emission using a digital code specified in this paragraph may use any technique whose technical characteristics have been documented publicly, such as CLOVER, G-TOR, or PacTOR, (remove –, add the following:) and the protocol used can be be monitored, in it’s entirety, by 3rd parties, with freely available open source software, for the purpose of facilitating communications.
This effectively eliminates Pactor 2, 3, and 4 from the US amateur bands unless SCS steps up and publishes complete technical specifications, including their proprietary signal processing methods, and produces an open-source monitoring program allowing on-air eavesdropping by third parties (not likely).
The Winlink Team will have to produce monitoring software for an unconnected eavesdropper for WINMOR, ARDOP. VARA’s author must do the same. The alternative is for Winlink to close shop for US licensees on HF amateur bands, or to eliminate B2F compression for messages sent by US-licensed amateurs. This will cause US users of all modes to suffer much longer transmission times by a factor of 2-10 times. Limits would not be placed on other users.
See and read the new proceeding from the link below. The 30-day comment period opened on 28 March. We have prepared a document containing useful arguments you may paraphrase for your comment filing. The formal ARSFI Motion to Dismiss RM-11831 and Petition for Rulemaking is also here for your review.
Unless we receive support from users on this serious threat, Winlink may be forced to close shop on HF in the USA. US and non-US users and gateway operators are urged to educate themselves and file a comment soon!
By Miguel Alcaine, Representative of the ITU Area Office in Tegucigalpa, Honduras
In recent years, the increasing number of disasters like hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis and floods has highlighted the urgency of establishing strong telecommunication systems, which are essential if medics, firefighters, police and others are to provide effective relief during emergencies.
In the aftermath of disasters, alternative telecommunication systems are often needed to replace normal systems that have been damaged or destroyed. ITU membership has recognized this need: For many years, emergency telecommunications has been a priority in the Americas Region.
n 2018, ITU teamed up with regional telecommunications bodies in the Americas such as la Comision Regional Tecnica de Telecommunicaciones (COMTELCA), the Inter-American Telecommunication Commission (CITEL) and the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) to set up an alternative telecommunication system for use in times of emergencies. The system does not rely on conventional means of communication such as the Internet, but rather on amateur radio systems.
The benefits of Winlink
The alternative telecommunications system used is known as Winlink, a worldwide email service that uses radio pathways and is capable of operating completely without the Internet.
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